To PhD or not to PhD?
That is the question I have been asking myself for some time now.
Over the past few months I have been continually making different "life maps" for myself for the next 5 years. I had about 6 different options with more or less the same theme. It seemed like the more time I had to mull over my life with absolutely no answers, the more convoluted the plan became. Continual doubt was forcing me to consider how I would handle the worst case scenario. Maybe it was good to go through that exercise in order to ensure I was heading in the right direction. What I mean was I was ready to make all kinds of sacrifices in order to pursue my desired career.
Well, on Friday morning (while I was sleeping in due to many late night computer hours during the week), I got a call from a professor at school with whom I had applied for a rather prestigious, lucrative (well as lucrative as grad studies gets) scholarship for a PhD in plant genetics. It was weird that he was calling me at home and even weirder that he was super gitty but he proceeded to tell me that I had one the scholarship! I think the only time I have felt that level of relief while being half awake was when I realized that dreams about family members and friends dying were not true. My relief quickly turned into excitement and I proceeded to jump on top of my room mate (while she was getting a good days sleep after a night shift) and phoning the family to tell them the good news.
Anyways, it is with a sigh of relief and a breath of excitement I can finally let everyone know what my next step is. I will be starting a PhD in plant genetics at the UofS in the fall of 2005. If I can convince my committee and grad studies to think the same as me, I will return to UofG for the fall semester for course work. My thesis project will be looking at the genetics behind resistance in lentil to a disease called Anthracnose (caused by Colletotrichum truncatum for those of you who are interested). For the summer, I am not sure what I will be doing, but I really need a good couple weeks at home and I am still hoping to visit Jamie and Ives (and possibly Mateo depending on when he arrives). Hopefully I can find a decent paying job in Saskatoon, but I feel much less pressure now that my financial future is somewhat ensured for the next 4 years.
So now I can ask, how does this look: Dr. S.L. Vail, B.Sc. (Agr.), M.Sc., Ph.D.? I never, ever thought my name would be that long!
PS If it seems like I am using the term "plant genetics" a lot in my post, it is because I am trying to get it through my family's head rather then them thinking I am doing a degree in "plant breeding". I am already getting sick of the "breeding" jokes, ie. "So you are going to become a professional "breeder" aye?" and "What sparked such an interest in "breeding" Sally?" Ahhh, I love my parents!
Congrats Sally! I'm so happy for you! (I'm also happy that you'll be around a little bit longer.) That's such great news...Dr. Vail. ;-)
Congrats Sal-so cool you're going to be Dr. Vail-I had no idea! Jen
That is so awesome, I glad you have a career direction for the next few years. Miss hanging out with you.
Oh, U2 Kimberley. I might be around during the summer, so I would love to do some biking with you!
hey ...I don't want to be too much of a bummer but there is alot of hard work between now and your "PlentyofHardDirt"(since your working with plants) but you'll be ok and we're proud of you..go girl! the way, how long will it take for you to get your Mrs? I can hear the groans but couldn't resist...don't rush it,good plants don't grow in a day.
ya...when will you get your Mrs. so you can do some of that breeding your talking about!
Congrats Miss Smarty Pants!!!
Seriously though, I'm glad you can continue doing what you obviously love and have a passion for.
Do keep in touch.
no comment on the Mrs degree or the breeding that may follow that qualification. On the other hand, I am extatic about the comments on my blog. Hopefully the trend will rub off on everybody I know (especially my ON friends and fam), so I can keep better track of what is happening in everyone's life.
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