
Day 3 at the 6thEGLC

The conference has improved drastically, and I am very excited about legume genomics. My pink eye (I think I forgot to mention my ailment) is on the mend and I am becoming accustomed to the constant pain from the blisters covering my feet. Have you ever had a blister pop on the bottom of your foot while you are walking? It's pretty disgusting. I don't have very much exciting stuff to post about, that is unless you want to know about the ideas I have for my thesis project. I've met a few more interesting people at the conference, but this is by far the most unfriendly conference I have ever been to. Usually the students seek each other out and get to know each other, but other than bonding with my co-PhD student from my group (Lasantha rocks!), I have yet to talk to any students here. I was just able to phone my mom and leave a message at Morgan's which was nice. I like wine for lunch. Portugal is beautiful. The end (for now).


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