Sleepy dreams and other stuff
I have been incredibly tired the past week, hence have been sleeping a couple more hours a night than what is typical for me. The result of this excess sleep is wild dreams (some of which are not appropriate to discuss on this platform). So, I decided to look up the meaning of some my dreams in a 'Dream Dictionary'. On Tuesday night I dreamt about celery which apparently "represent[s my] need to be cleansed, either physically or emotionally". Interesting, and I thought I maybe dreamt about the vegetable since I had contemplated buying a couple bunches of celery a few hours before and wasn't sure where I should store my purchase (in the car, in the fridge at work, at the house I am staying at ...). Last night my dream involved a past roomate (one of several in undergrad) gaining 60 lbs and going to the bar in frumpy clothes. According to the dream dictionary, "to dream that others are fat, signifies prosperity". I am not sure who is prosering according to this dream, but I do know that my ex-roomie's body type somewhat resembled my pregnant cousin who I saw last Sunday ... So I think I will abandon my attempts to interpret my dream and consider them a symptom of my daily thought patterns.
On another note, I managed to give myself 3 paper cuts within 8 hours on the exact same spot on my right index finger yesterday. Wow, my life is exciting. I had some excellent Indian food last night, but my body no longer knows how to digest rice since cutting out carbs and sugars 7 weeks ago (too much information?). On a more exciting note, I am looking forward to Aggie Pub next Wednesday and The Trews on Thursday. Not sure when I am going to finish the 6 million assignment I have due by the end of the semester but such is my life.
Just a though.. but I have a feeling that cutting carbs and sugars from your diet is what is making you so tired.
Hey Sally,
I have already purchased my plane ticket so I'll be flying home. Thanks for offering though! One of the coolest blog comments ever:)I hope your trip goes well!
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