Sob Story
Between loosing my ID and $30 earring (quite an investment in jewerly for this poor student), having my first paper be rejected by crapof***ology with some nasty comments (such as "if all of the scientific community did research like the author, science would never progress") and getting soaked waiting for the bus this morning, it is shaping up to be a pretty chitty week! I think I want to crawl in a hole for the rest of winter and hibernate.
i'm sorry you're having such a bad week, sal. all of those things sound like enough to make someone cry! (and what a horrible remark for someone to make on a paper! jerkface.) it'll get better, you'll see. i mean, you WILL shortly be moving back so stoon, so how much better can it get? ;)
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Was this a paper you submitted to a journal that got rejected? I have never seen someone make a rude comment on a paper like that. I have refereed several papers and I would never say something like that. Sounds like the person has a pretty huge ego.
Thanks guys. I am starting to settle down about it and got an email shorty after I posted from a friend who found both my earing and ID!!
Is that Chris W? I do think the comment was extremely unprofessional and the other review I got was rediculous and left me wondering if they even read my paper. Yea for the stuffy society from south of the border in a area I use to do research in. It is instances like these that make me wonder if I am really cut out for this ...
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