
Bad Electronic Luck

Within the past few days I have managed to lose the following electronics:
-my memory stick
-my diskman

I am disappointed to have lost the following things in descending order:
1) my memory stick (I am actually going to burn Monday's conference presentation on a CD!)
2) my Regina Spektor CD in my diskman case
3) The rechargeable batteries in my diskman.

To be perfectly honest, I was hoping my diskman would be stolen so I'd have a good excuse to buy an ipod. I'd hoped I would loose all the stuff listed above along with it.


At 1:16 a.m., Blogger Vailgirl said...

what do ya know, i found my diskman. i wish i had found my memory stick, but it's better than nothing!
ps you know your life is pretty pathetic when you are blogging about your memory stick, however loosing has really buggered my routine!

At 6:59 p.m., Blogger Vailgirl said...

Yeah! I found my memory stick!


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