
Orxy and Crake

Yesterday I spend some time reading through my blog archives. 2 years of blogging marks the longest I have ever journalled. Looking back, I am really glad to I take the time to post some random thoughts. My travel posts are definitely more interesting then my daily thought, but I do appreciate the latter.

In October of 2005, I wrote a slightly random post on purring people. I had forgotten this post. While travelling a month ago I read the book 'Oryx and Crake' by Margaret Atwood. In the book, a transgene-junkie (or gene jockey as we plant scientist tend to call them) named 'Crake' made some people possessed a feline vocal box that allowed them to purr. Purring wavelengths acted similar to ultrasound in healing wounds. I am not sure if she made this point up. Anyways, I was happy to realize yesterday that I am not the only person that considered purring people and that my mind had a single though similar to the great Atwood.


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