
Table manners

Since returning, I have realized in 3 different times that my table manners have disappeared. I am not surprised. When an entire sub-continent eats with their hands, I guess what we would consider table manners are not a part of the dining culture. And when you are exposed to that for the better part of a month I am sure it is bound to wear off. For example, whenever we would have a meal in Bangladesh, it would be like everyone was pulling up to the trough. People would eat fast, with their elbows on the table, would dish up their food and not pass it along, would make sucking noises while eating and would indulge their entire hand into their plate of food, the lick it off when finished (sometimes up to the forearm!). At the conclusion of their meal (at which time I would be done about 1/2 my food), they would proceed to get up from the table, walk over to the communal sink which was usually in the dining room and hoark. This wasn't a quiet spit either. More like multiple digging from their throats with massive amounts of air derived from the diaphragm. So if I happen to eat with my elbows on the table and speak with food in my mouth for the next few weeks while I am adjusting to a mannered society, please forgive me.


At 7:49 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah ha! The culture shock sets in. I find this part fascinating. How can we live our lives for years following the same patterns, and then a few weeks abroad have us picking up new habits just like that? There are some habits that I have never dropped after living in Australia, and some I had to work hard to break.
Welcome home Sally!


At 10:23 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a month after getting back from Mexico, I attempted to put my toilet paper in the garbage every time I used the facilities. Luckily I haven't climbed on the toilet and attempted to squat since getting back to Canada from India. Sorry for the toilet-talk.

Sally (who is still having trouble posting comments with her 'new and improved' Google account)


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