I have found a new distraction. I do not need a new distraction right now. I am very busy, although you would not know that based on the amount of time I have wasted on Facebook this past week. Facebook is annoyingly addictive. I have located many of my old friends from home (a few I was hoping to forget) and joined a group called 'My first drink was at a cow show ... and it wasn't the last'. I am going to set up Facebook regulations for myself so I do not spend more than 1 hour a week wasting time on it. I knew I was wasting time last night when I asked each of the leaders of the 3 non-franco major political parties to be my friends (the PM included).
The not-so-exciting perils of an aspiring phytopimp.
Rahim keeps after me to join facebook but I've yet to do so. Now that you're on it too I may find it a useful distraction during finals. I was hoping to decrease the number of distractions I have, not increase them!
definately wait till finals are over. it is soooo addictive!!
Sally (I've resigned to being an anonymous commenter now)
Hmmm ... all this talk about facebook caused me to sign up myself. I sense much wasted time ahead.
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