
Anyone heard anything about Geez Magazine? Thinking of subscribing although fearing it may send me even more into negatory-church state (if that is possible).


At 8:24 p.m., Blogger caro said...

aimilee just had a copy with her at the beach with us . . . it had sounded familiar and I thought she'd mentioned it before but perhaps it was you actually.

At 12:52 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what Sally - I think I had a conversation about some of this with Pastor Don at FG, and he was echoing my thoughts on all of these movements away from traditional church - if asking quesitons and searching leads you to a deeper understand of God and your faith, and towards aaaaa faith community of some type, good. If it causes you to be more negative, to judge others, or away from a Christ-centered faith, then it is dangerous. But you have to investigate to figure that out. Looks kind of intriguing. I have a book I just bought from Parables, it's called Jaded - realllllly good.


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