Notes from Shally:
-Shally is my Indian name
-Blaine and Jesse are really enjoying the food (Yea), although I am still out eating Blaine by about 2X. This is a small point of concern (for me and my weight management) seeing as Blaine has about 75-100 lbs on me.
-The last leg of our flight, we shared the plane with the Bangladesh national cricket team. This is the equivalent of sharing the plane with the Toronto Maple Leaves.
-I now know the meaning of jet lag. Yesterday morning and early afternoon were good, but late afternoon and evening were a little rough. I fell asleep on the 2 hour ride back to the hotel (about 30 km!), before going for supper and at supper (which was the best Thai food I've ever eaten for not a whole lot of money).
-Shauna has posted some pictures. She is our official photographer.
-We presented yesterday. It was quite amusing. The power kept going off and whenever it did the crowd would yell "just wait 4 minutes, it will come back". The cell phones ringing every 5 minutes was also amusing/annoying. There are some really funny rings. For example, Jesse was presenting and all off a sudden we heard 'ribbit, ribbit'. Jesse thought he was either tripping out on the Malaria drugs or was suffering from extreme fatigue. It was also amusing as the person managing the computer projecting the presentation was quite computer illiterate. Actually, that wasn't so much amusing as it was very aggravating. I am glad I didn't make any glaring mistakes on my presentation (ie. say something different than what was on my slide), as the whole crowd would have corrected me.
-I have never met a group of people who are so concerned and adamant about staying on time, yet are so constantly behind time.
-I believe their is an art to horn honking while driving. Actually, it is more like a language all unto it's own consisting of long, short, loud or soft beeps. I am very happy drivers do not talk on cell phones while driving, even if ever other person in the vehicle is on the phone at the same time.
-Plastic bags are illegal in Bangladesh. I think Latin America should adopt the same policy.
Hi Sally!
It's fantastic that you are taking this opportunity! I'm looking forward to reading about all of your adventures. Sounds like just getting there was exciting enough.
Good luck!
oh man you're funny, shally!
I think the entire planet should adopt the same plastic bag policy! they're evil, I tell you!
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