Defend yourself Ontario! (Please)
This letter travelled the world looking for a place called Saskatchewan. Apparently the name of the province I reside in sounds Slovakian to some (hopefully not) outstanding Ontarian.
The not-so-exciting perils of an aspiring phytopimp.
That's funny. Well we all know that Ontarians (?) are pretty much just Americans in Canadian clothing, so... ;) Or does that only include Toronto?
Well, I had the same opinion of TO before I realized that is what the rest of the country thinks of our wonder mega-metropolis so lets go with just dissing TO. I am sure the head office for Invitrogen is in TO anyways.
Oh that's too funny!
Slovak Republic???? Oh my.
and thanks for the link too, Sally! That's awesome...i like reading your blog too - a fellow scientist hurtling along the grad studies path!
That is awesome! Someone is being paid way too much! I can't believe you still received it.
In regard to the blogs about Ontarian's being American's in Canadian Clothing. I can defend myself as an Ontarian(although I lived in Saskatchewan-I can even spell it!-for almost a year) but I honestly can't speak for all Ontarians! I could never understand why some of my college mates had an attitude towards me and then I had it explained. We're not all that bad really! I have plenty of friends who liked Rick Mercer's talking with American's, that's got to count for something? Honestly, Ontarian's don't intend to be self-absorbed nor do they know that a lot of Westerners think they are self-absorbed, so we can only plead ignorance I guess. Sure there are some Ontarians I know who are spoiled rotten Canadian brats, but I've met some Westerners who were the same way!! We live in a pretty broad country and sometimes politicians give provinces a bad rap. Why don't we focus on our similarities and the fact that we are all Canadians and celebrate unity?
p.s. I loved living in Saskatchewan, I think every Canadian should live in at least one other province if it's possible-We have an awesome country!
I LOVE CANADA!!!!!!!!!
So did you get made fun of for talking like a yankee when you first moved here? (I did)
Oh yeah! Apparently I have an accent I didn't even know about. Jen
I think there should be a government program where every TO farm kid has to live on a prarie farm for 2 weeks in the summer. Do you think the government would go for that?
I didn't even know you had a blog! Well now, i'll have to add you. :)
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