
What an exciting day!

9am: I received confirmation that I am funded to travel to South Asia for 3 weeks in February. I will be attending the International Traveling Workshop on Lentil in Bangladesh, India and Nepal! I can't wait.

2pm: I witnessed a rather stupid pedestrian colliding with a very non-defensive driver at the corner of College and Wiggins. Actually the actual impact was behind a large SUV (partially to blame for the accident), but the whole scene keeps playing over in my head. I was turning so wasn't able to stop, but I did see the girl walk off the road so I hope she is okay.


Glad to not be at CWA

It is really freaky when you hear the name of someone you know on the national news, epecially when it is regarding their death. Read this if you would like to know what I am talking about.


Funny fact.

Did you know that venereal disease is huge problem on community pastures? I found that funny.


I feel greedy.

Every year around this time, my mom asks me "what do you want for your birthday [November 21st] and Christmas?". In anticipation of this question, I have created a 'wishlist'. I swore I would never conform to our materialistic society and do something like this, but I have. I feel greedy.



Strangely enough I remember the exact moment when I first learnt the definition of the word 'miscellaneous'. My mom bought my grandpa a rack to hang things on that said 'MISC' and had to explain to me what it meant. I was in my then grandparents now parents' kitchen.

Anyway, my misc. items:

1) Welcome to my friend Joanna to the blogging world! I love the stories about her toddler twins.

2) In my endeavor to purchase snow tires I have learnt that not all tires have an inner-tube inside.

3) Driving 12 hours within a 29 hour time frame on winter-plagued highways (to Farmfair in Edmonton to see my brother and back in case you are wondering) is enough to make me long for the day I can afford a 4-wheel drive vehicle.

4) I had no idea a ‘troop’ referred to a single soldier. Does that word not sound plural to anyone else?

5) Does anyone know how to widen my template so my links do not get pushed to the bottom of my blog whenever I insert photos or movies into posts? Edit-me is useless in resolving this.