Cold stress response
When I first moved to the province of Saskatchewan 6 years ago, I made the following observations (which at the time I found quite amusing) on how people managed the cold winters here:
1) Wearing sweat pants to work/school;
2) walking to school (from home or the parking lot) wearing full ski gear or insulated overalls with big bulky sorrel boots;
3) running from building to building or from a warm car to a building;
4) discussing at length the cold weather, especially with people who are experiencing a SK winter for the first time.
As I have adapted to life on the prairies, I have avoided the first (although own quite the assortment of long underwear), but have lost all qualms about doing the others. While in Portugal, I caught myself doing #4 with a couple of Germans then realized they had a really bored look on their face. A SK winter must be something you need to experience to find interesting.