To PhD or not to PhD?
That is the question I have been asking myself for some time now.
Over the past few months I have been continually making different "life maps" for myself for the next 5 years. I had about 6 different options with more or less the same theme. It seemed like the more time I had to mull over my life with absolutely no answers, the more convoluted the plan became. Continual doubt was forcing me to consider how I would handle the worst case scenario. Maybe it was good to go through that exercise in order to ensure I was heading in the right direction. What I mean was I was ready to make all kinds of sacrifices in order to pursue my desired career.
Well, on Friday morning (while I was sleeping in due to many late night computer hours during the week), I got a call from a professor at school with whom I had applied for a rather prestigious, lucrative (well as lucrative as grad studies gets) scholarship for a PhD in plant genetics. It was weird that he was calling me at home and even weirder that he was super gitty but he proceeded to tell me that I had one the scholarship! I think the only time I have felt that level of relief while being half awake was when I realized that dreams about family members and friends dying were not true. My relief quickly turned into excitement and I proceeded to jump on top of my room mate (while she was getting a good days sleep after a night shift) and phoning the family to tell them the good news.
Anyways, it is with a sigh of relief and a breath of excitement I can finally let everyone know what my next step is. I will be starting a PhD in plant genetics at the UofS in the fall of 2005. If I can convince my committee and grad studies to think the same as me, I will return to UofG for the fall semester for course work. My thesis project will be looking at the genetics behind resistance in lentil to a disease called Anthracnose (caused by Colletotrichum truncatum for those of you who are interested). For the summer, I am not sure what I will be doing, but I really need a good couple weeks at home and I am still hoping to visit Jamie and Ives (and possibly Mateo depending on when he arrives). Hopefully I can find a decent paying job in Saskatoon, but I feel much less pressure now that my financial future is somewhat ensured for the next 4 years.
So now I can ask, how does this look: Dr. S.L. Vail, B.Sc. (Agr.), M.Sc., Ph.D.? I never, ever thought my name would be that long!