What kind of pirate am I? You decide!
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Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
The not-so-exciting perils of an aspiring phytopimp.
What kind of pirate am I? You decide!
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Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
Since nobody seems to know what exactly I am up to this summer, I have decided to post my itinerary for the next month and half:
1. Fresh Mangos
I am loving the small town atomosphere of Mazatlàn. I say this because I had some unexpected company over my restaurant dinner. After eating in restaurants alone quite often over the past few weeks, it is always nice to have company. Anyways, I ran into an acquaitance at the restaurant I had decided to dine at and he was having coffee with a rather unique individual. He was a dutch-born artist who has been travelling the globe for the past 15 years (while growing his dreads past his butt), working wherever he happened to be at his trade. He had even spent some time in Saskatoon! Over the conversation, I mentioned that procrating plants was part of my life. This led to a topic my new artist friend seemed to know a lot about -- Canabis of course. By the end of the conversation I was familiar with the major breeding objectives, the regulations (or lack there of) of producing the product in Holland as well as the sexual phsiology of the Canabis plant. Unfortunately my new friend wasn´t overly familiar with disease resistance breeding in Canabis or genetic preservation within the crop. He was a little more interested in quality traits, go figure. But I was really impressed (actually thrilled) with this self-proclaimed stoner´s understanding of plant breeding in general. The conversation later was on subjects such as love, poetry and ¨living life outside society¨, but I was merely listening and trying to absorb the new-to-me philosophy ... another interesting day in Mexico.
I saw the ugliest dog I have ever seen in my life today. I honestly thought it was a black farrel pig wandering around Mazatlán when I first saw it. Later on a drunk surfer saw one of my rashes on my back and asked me if my husband had beat me up (I had previously told him I was married to get him to leave me alone). What an interesting day.
Apparently all it takes to cure a case of homesickness due to other illnesses is a good prognosis from the doctor. Jamie and I just got back from a really nice english speaking doctor (with a really cheesy, but cute buisness card) who told me my rashes were from an allergic reaction. All I need is 3 days of oral cortazone and some kind of cream. I am still as itchy as hell, but I feel much better all round! I was so scared Matteo was going to wake up tomorrow morning with blistery rashes all over him! Jamie and I now need to figure out what we are reacting to, could be some plants, or bug exrement, or Mexico maybe. Sorry for freaking you out Mom! Anyways, I am looking forward to going back in the ocean (yes I finally made it in last Friday), now that the hoards of jelly fish have decided to stay off the beach.
I really hate to admit it, but it isn´t without good reason. A variety of illnesses seem to have been plauging me over the weekend. Friday night I started getting stomach cramps (I will let you guess what that meant) and I am still getting over that bug. On Saturday night, I had a strange rash show up on my left thigh. By the time I had went to bed, I notice a couple more rashes on my back. Since then two spots on my hand and some spots on my right thigh have shown up. Also, my initial rash has started blistering and one of the spots on my back seems to be spreading while my hand is starting to resemble how it looked when it was covered in ring worm a few years ago. My whole body is actually itching, but I think that is just because I am paranoid. I am afriad whatever it is, it might be contagious as Jamie has a similar spot. I am going to the doctor in a few hours and can´t wait! It is just miserable being somewhere strange and having some type of strange ailment, although just writing about it has made me feel a little better already. I think I might go get myself some ice cream now.